Oh Violin Studio









Oh Violin Studio recital 05052018 (63).JPG

Lessons & Practicing


Lessons will be held weekly during the school year.  Summer lessons are required while both the student and teacher are in town.

The teacher is an active performer. At times the teacher's performance commitments may require flexibility in the schedule.

Lessons take place at the teacher's Violin Studio located in Keller, TX.

Practice is the only way to improve one's violin/viola playing! 

All students experience ups and downs especially "practicing." I suggest a few things below.

The best strategy is to set up a regular practice time each day. Parent supervision always helps the students focus on their practice, not just playing through the piece. Practice is to conquer what is good and fix struggling parts. It is always a good idea to work on small parts of the music and then put it together at the end. 

Family performance time is a great way for students to play their favorite pieces. They will learn that there will be a family and friends who adore their performance which will give the student confidence and the fear to play in front of people. They will enjoy performing more!

Tuition & Payment

Tuition reserves the student's weekly time slot in the teacher's schedule throughout the year and is required regardless of attendance. 

Tuition is paid monthly and is calculated by multiplying the lesson rate by 4 weeks (3 or 5 weeks for certain months).  Additional lessons are allowed based on the teacher's availability.  

Payment is due at the first lesson of each month.

Tuition is payable by cash or check. Checks are to be made out to "Chi Oh".  Late payments will incur a $20 fee.  There will be a $35 fee for returned checks.   

Since there is no annual or registration fees, if a student will be involved in an organized recital or competition, those fees will be additional.


The student will contact the teacher by phone if they expect to be late for a scheduled lesson.  

If a student arrives after their scheduled lesson time has begun, the teacher will complete the lesson in the remaining portion of the time slot.  Additional time for student tardiness is not guaranteed. 

If the teacher arrives after a scheduled lesson has begun, the teacher will give additional time past the time slot to compensate for their tardiness with mutual acceptance of the student's schedule.    


Students must cancel lessons by text or email with at least 24 hours notice.  Cancellations are considered excused for illness, family emergency, or severe weather (public school closures).  Excused cancellations with sufficient notification will be given a make-up lesson within the month or lesson credit towards the following month.  

No-shows, or cancellations without sufficient notification will not be given make-up lessons or lesson credits.    

The teacher may need to reschedule or cancel a lesson due to illness, family emergency, or performance engagements.  In this case, the teacher will provide a make-up lesson within the month or lesson credit towards the following month.  

Make-Up Lessons & Lesson Credits

Only 3 excused cancellations will be allowed per academic year.  Excused cancellations will be given make-up lessons within the month or lesson credits towards the following month. If a student cannot attend a scheduled make-up lesson, the lesson will be considered forfeited. Make-up lessons are not guaranteed and are subject to availability.  If a make-up lesson is not possible, a maximum of one lesson credit will be applied toward the following month. After 3 excused cancellations, further cancelled lessons will be considered forfeited and will not be given make-up lessons, or lesson credits.    

Please understand that you are not just paying for lessons given, but for reserving a time slot.

Referance: Make-up Lessons From An Economist’s Point of View by Vicky Barham

Withdrawal & Termination

Students should consult with the teacher if they are considering discontinuing lessons to make sure there are not areas that can be resolved.  If the student still decides to discontinue lessons, one month notice is required.  The lessons remaining in that month will be finished out.

The teacher reserves the right to terminate lessons with a notified problem after given chances to correct it. This may include, but not limited to:

  • bad attitude (negative comments, talking back, etc)

  • lack of interest in lessons or during lessons

  • missing 6 or more lessons during a school year

  • missed payments

Equipment & Supplies

Instruments and additional materials are not included in tuition.  Students are expected to bring all necessary materials to their lessons. This includes their instrument, shoulder rest, rosin, cleaning cloth, assigned music, lesson notebook, and a pencil. Violins can be rented and materials can be purchased locally at Young Musicians (5901 Park Vista Circle #111, Keller Texas 76244) or others.  Online resources for materials other than instruments include www.sharmusic.com and www.swstrings.com. 

If a student is purchasing an instrument or graduating to a larger size instrument, the teacher must be consulted to ensure a proper instrument for the student.

Studio Recitals

There will be at least one studio recital per year, and all students are highly encouraged to perform. A fee of no more than $50 will be collected before the recital to pay the accompanist for his/her time and to rent the recital space, plus a photographer if a budget allows.  Specifics will be provided closer to the recital date.

Summer Lessons and Camps

Lessons are expected to continue during the summer as long as the teacher and student are both in town.  The summer months are a wonderful chance to make great strides on an instrument, as school is not imposing on a student's time and mental energy.  Regular practice is still expected, though conditions where an instrument is not available due to travel are understood.  Students are expected to take their instrument with them to practice on long trips if at all possible. 

Summer students will get priority in my fall schedule.

Students are encouraged to participate in summer music programs and camps. The student is expected to consult with the teacher for their expert opinion regarding potential programs to ensure that the best decisions are made for the student's education.